As well as starring on the cover of Carbon Copy #14, we did a brief interview with actor Trevor Donovan whilst he was in between filming in LA. Enjoy!
Tell me about your childhood and where you grew up…
I grew up in the mountains, chopping wood and shovelling snow.. skiing then snowboarding.. I’m from Mammoth Mountain California
What made you want to be an actor?
What kid didn’t like playing make believe… I took it to another level…
What advice would you give to someone starting out in the industry?
Finish college, it feels good to have a backup plan.
What do you do between filming?
I read and I work out a lot. Also, Ethel, Bobby Jr. and Kerry Kennedy are good friends of mine, so I’m active in a lot of charities and causes associated with the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation for Human Rights. I participated in the Nobel ceremonies in Chicago on April 23 with Former U.S Presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, & Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, his Holiness the Dalai Lama and Sean Penn. I also recently presented at the GLAAD Awards this month with Josh Hutcherson and Ellen DeGeneres.
What would you be doing if you weren’t acting?
Pole dancer, fireman or graphic artist…. That’s what I went to college for.
How do you approach a script and character?
I give him life, a past if there is not one there…. It’s too boring and complicated to go on about.
How do you balance your work life and family?
I make time, no secret.
Whats your favourite role you have played and why?
Well of course playing Teddy Montgomery was life changing, for me and others… and most recentlyThe lead role of Jason I just finished in Rite of Spring. I play a spoiled ego driven country western star who’s manager sends him to a small town to get away from the hustle and bustle and write a new song, in the mean time Jason meets a small town girl and falls in love. I actually wrote the music for the song I sing at the end of the movie.
I understand you have done some modeling how did that come about?
I was approached while attending school, ya know same old story….. some modeling agent or photographer says you look like you should be a model and convinces you to come back to their van to take pictures… haha
What was it like to work with photographer Bruce Weber for Abercrombie?
I’m still recovering and seeing a therapist to this day… kidding. It was great, some great pics of my posterior were shared with the world.
How do you think you have changed since you started acting in the industry to now?
I’ve become less shy, besides that I haven’t…. at least I hope not, I told my friends and family if I ever do, to let me know immediately
Your character Teddy on 90210 comes back for the season finale in may. What was it like being back on set?
I’m sworn to secrecy, all I can say is don’t miss it!
Q&A by Zander Hodgson for Carbon Copy

yowza! bloody beautiful!