The Party Is Over is the third solo exhibition by talented 19-year-old visual artist Isaac Andrews. The title of this show is taken from the 1970 Terence Dixon documentary portrait of James Baldwin; “Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris”, where Baldwin talks of the necessity of the fall of pretence and facade.
Using the medium of oil on canvas, Andrews explores mental health and identity, particularly in young men. Looking inward, he propitiously uncovers an everyman-type figure, a lone spirit fixed into a familiar yet abstract environment ‘existing somewhere between the real and the uncanny.’ The memorable and thought-provoking paintings will be on display from 8th-12th July 2022.
Andrews was born in Hackney, London and is an unconventional artist, who gives a shit. His talent is fresh and comes from a place that matters. Whilst he has been nurturing this gift, he has also been using it to emphasise social and political issues, important to him and his generation. He is keen to make his time here count without the theatre of a ‘me me me’ culture.
The Party Is Over
8th-12th July
11 Dray Walk
Old Truman Brewery
Brick Lane
E1 6QL
The show is hosted in aid of Mind Charity who support people dealing with mental health issues, campaign for greater awareness and lobby for improved services. A percentage of profits made will be donated to the charity.

“These presentations of the self, entirely unguarded and raw, intend to open up conversations surrounding mental health, and the need for awareness and openness, especially amongst young men.”